InicioTienda SolargasAccesorios ArmasSTRONG 25lb Rating Concealed Gun Pistol Holder Magnet Under Table
STRONG 25lb Rating Concealed Gun Pistol Holder Magnet Under Table
$41,650 valor c/iva
4 disponibles
Pistol Gun Magnet.
STRONG 25 lb strength test (check others, often only 10-15 pounds).
Dual magnets (25 lb together) allow for extra security, or you can sometimes put an extra magazine clip together with the pistol.
Won’t mar the finish of your gun.
Mounts with 2 screws.Keep a gun concealed, secure, but accessible quickly.
Use on a wall, in a gun safe, in your car, under or on the side of a desk, table, bed….the possibilities are endless! Mount at different angles, side, top, etc…
You will probably end up buying more than one!
Made in USA