InicioTienda SolargasArmas de Aire CompeticionAirForce Edge in Blue, Front & Rear Sights Calibre 0.177″ (4.5mm)
AirForce Edge in Blue, Front & Rear Sights Calibre 0.177″ (4.5mm)
$1,099,560 valor c/iva
4 disponibles
- AirForce Edge 10-meter Sporter Class rifle
- Single-shot
- Precharged pneumatic
- Approved by the Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) for Sporter Class competition
- Includes globe front sight that accepts aperture inserts (includes one insert)
- Fully adjustable rear peep sight
- Lothar Walther barrel
- Adjustable forearm
- Adjustable cheekpiece
- Adjustable length of pull (12″ to 17″)
- Total length is 35″ to 40″
- Bolt & cheekpiece can be moved to the opposite side for LH use
- Dry-fire capability for training
- 2-stage adjustable trigger